Urban parks
An outdoor living room for your community
What Is an Urban Sports Park?
With the intensification of many communities, urban residents no longer have access to their private backyards for outdoor exercise and social activities. Urban Sports Parks are consequently becoming outdoor living rooms – a space for unstructured, spontaneous activities and passive use rather than organized sports. Combining a variety of urban sports facilities, clustered and connected by an open space network that includes trails, picnic areas, and native grass areas, Urban Sports Parks are ensuring the necessary infrastructure for sustainable growth and high quality of life. They are where our communities thrive.
Located in The Very Being of The Community
Ensuring recreational spots in concentrated and densely populated city areas can be difficult. That is why we must innovate the space around us to maximize its use. Providing easily accessible spaces for informal and multi-purpose spaces for sport and recreation in the very fabric of our cities, Urban Sports Parks maximize the community development aspect that sport can have. In addition, they also offer community space for other events. Urban Sports Parks can be developed in overlooked and unexpected places such as schoolyards, under overpasses, etc., which makes them easy to place in almost any community.
For the Whole Community
Urban Sports Parks provide accessible public space with a great diversity of recreational, leisure, and play opportunities in an attractive green setting, creating outdoor living rooms for the whole community. They represent inclusive and multicultural outdoor spaces, ideal for self-expression and socializing, thus suitable for the whole community, from kids, teenagers, and adults as well as for the disabled and elderly.
For the Higher Quality Of Life
To make the neighborhood dynamic and alive, more than just a residential function is needed. Outdoor exercise and social interactions are fundamental for the physical and mental health of the whole community. That is why it is essential to redesign public spaces in residential areas by using the power and common language of sport. Implementation of Urban Sports Parks will encourage physical activity, and social inclusion and increase the overall quality of life. As Urban Sports Parks are attractive green settings, they can also have important contributions to urban climate mitigation.
Why Clients Trust us
With more than a decade of experience under our belts in implementing action sports infrastructure, we know what works and what doesn’t. We’ll take care of everything you need to get an exciting spot your community would love.
One point of contact
We provide a full scope of services ranging from conception to detailed construction planning, maintenance, and promotion of your pump track. As we are not intermediaries, we can supervise the entire process, and ensure a fast installation and the highest possible quality.
Expert knowledge
Creating organic shapes and coating almost vertical slopes with asphalt requires special skills. With more than 200 pump tracks built and developing a special asphalt mixture, our crews have what it takes to deliver a high-quality pump track for your community.
Peace of mind
Being dedicated to quality, we are proud to offer a long-term warranty for all our pump tracks. A 7-year- warranty is the longest in the industry and shows just how confident we are in our pump tracks.
Planned individually
Each of our pump tracks is custom-designed by our team of experienced pump track planners and landscape architects to suit the needs of the local community and fits perfectly in the available area.
We constantly thrive to improve our designs, and search for new materials and construction techniques, so that your community will get a state-of-the-art pump track.
TÜV approved
Safety is our utmost priority. We design and build all our pump tracks in accordance with corresponding norms and standards. All our pump tracks are also inspected by an independent safety expert.
Let our clients tell you
why you should choose us:
Veseli nas, da smo v mestu uredili sodoben pumptrack, ki se je že izkazal med uporabniki, saj je ves čas dobro obiskovan z uporabniki vseh starosti. Ponudbo dopolnjuje linija skokov v dirt parku, katere uporabljajo zahtevnejši uporabniki, omogoča pa tudi učenje skokov na manjših objektih v varnem okolju brez ovir. Zavodu Aliansa smo hvaležni za hitro in strokovno pomoč pri umeščanju in načrtovanju poligona kot tudi za profesionalno izvedbo del. Zgrajeni objekti pomenijo tudi dodatno spodbudo k razvoju kolesarskega športa v Ilirski Bistrici, ki ga spremljamo v zadnjih letih.
Ljubitelji kolesarskega adrenalina imajo nov kotiček v mestu!
Pumptrack poligon v Mestnem parku je uradno odprt. Na njem se bodo lahko rekreirali in izpopolnjevali vsi ljubitelji tega športa. Na otvoritvi smo uživali ob gledanju trikov, ki so jih mladi izvajali na kolesih in rolkah, in navdušenje smo imeli priložnost občutiti tudi mi amaterji.
Veles postaja lepši kraj za življenje vseh generacij, ohranimo ga!
S pumptrack poligonom smo zadeli terno. Vsak dan otroci in mladi po srcu izkoristijo priložnost, da se podajo na grbine. Pumptrack je izjemno priljubljen. Z Alianso smo našli pravega partnerja in strokovnjake, ki so potrebni za izvedbo priložnostnih ponudb, ki še niso tako znane, na enostaven način in kakovostno. Feldkirchen pravi hvala!
Izjemno smo veseli, da je ta projekt popolnoma uspel, kar je vidno vsak dan ob pogledu na pumptrack, ko vidite, da otroci od zgodnjega jutra do poznega večera čakajo na svojo priložnost, da se pridejo na vožnjo in uživajo v prednostih.
Z pumptrack poligonom v Lebringu lahko otrokom, mladostnikom in seveda odraslim ponudimo edinstveno priložnost za rekreacijo.
Lebring ima neverjeten potencial in kolesarjenje je zelo trendovsko, zato smo se pred dvema letoma odločili za izvedbo tega projekta.
Čestitam Georgu Berger-Schauerju in njegovi ekipi za njihov projekt in se hkrati zahvaljujem, da ste ga izvedli v Kirchdorfu. To je še ena privlačna športna ponudba za naše mesto.
Originating from the Alps,
building Worldwide.
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